Telecom Future Centre
Telecom Italia’s Future Centre, based in the sixteenth-century convent of San Salvador in Venice, is meant to combine past and future with a specific focus on Cultural Heritage and Digital Lifestyle. The Centre hosts higher education services, as well as specialized laboratories, and international cross-field project teams, also in cooperation with prestigious universities such as the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
The Future Centre’s mission involves to study and develop solutions for Smart Cities, pertaining to cultural and touristic environment. Such an approach is willing to improve both artistic, cultural and environmental heritage, in order to promote innovative paths to visit our cities. By the way, study and analysis models arise mainly from Venice itself.
Going from digital rebuilding up to smart environments, passing through interactive and multimedia design and estimation of handy pieces of art, including the creation of tourist spots based upon augmented reality and NFC technology, switching then to the analysis of Big Data and the definition of a Cultural City: these are some of the items and paths carried out at Telecom Italia’s Future Centre.
Featured artists: Liu Ruo Wang, Elisa Monaldi, Tony Margiotta, Giovanni Giulianelli